Jul 12, 2008

Bon Odori- Here We Come ~

We took the bus to Subang KTM then took the KTM to Shah Alam then waited for like an hour or so for the bus to Bon Odori ~

The cute ppls.

The cute lil ppls.

Lin and Lian's


arashi's dinner.

My dinner [the green "rice cake"was too sweet]


The crowd.

While Lin and arashi was dancing along...
Lian, Yuki and I sorta saw some balloons flew up up and away into the sea of clouds.
We were like..
"Waa... Geng hor..."
I was like "If I was that balloon I will die loh... So high..."



And away ~
We walked down to take the bus back but couldn't find it until arashi saw a bus going up and it's the bus. We, obviously... Ran like mad ! Haha~
After that we got down at the KTM station and waited for the KTM to Subang for around half an hour or so. Finally it came. It was 2 stations away to Subang.
We manage to get seats and we talk and laugh and laugh and laugh more until there's like 1 more stop till our stop...
Lian :"Shit !!"
*Everybody in the KTM looks at her...*
The KTM wasn't working at....

We waited a few min and the guard asked us to get down and go opposite to get the train... And all rushed out from the KTM !!
Was like chaos... We waited awhile more and the train finally came.
I was like "Pls let the door be infront of us..." And God bless Haha it really was.
arashi, Lian and Lin got in quick and save a seat for me. We again, talked and laugh and laugh and laugh more.
Overall it was a great day with them ~
"-the mini bus, waiting, sweating, squeezing, KTM out of service."

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