Jan 5, 2009

1st day. 3rd semester. Life's like that.

I finally got my guts after the supports of my classmates to ask.
"Stephen, I need to reassure my grade for the last semester."
"Why ? Your not satisfy with it ?"
"Well... Sort off... I've got a D. "
"So ?" "Well ok, come look for me at 2pm. Is it ok ?"

And yes, I've got a freaking D. Where did I fail at ?
The place where I copied. The EXAM. WTH ?
Is it possible to fail this part where we copied each other ?
Anyway I don't wana bother it. Waste of time.
Anyway, I'm still laughing about it cause we totally copied each other and I've got 5 over 20 for it and therefore, I got a D.
And the only one who got D for this subject over 41 student.
Nice achievement.
Now I've got ABCD for my results. =D

Anyway, first day of college and I'm panic-ing about the assignments and projects already.
Damnit. I so feel like just leaving. Literally.
But I've made it so far and this is the last semester until I get into the main. Come on ~!!
We can do it man !! Degree will be under our feet !!

Argh. I need to get a new bag tomorrow cause my current bag's gona fall apart any time soon. And I gave nearly all my bags away to charity. Which are mostly new and fine. Which happens to be so ironic that I left myself the 2 bags for college which so happens to be rotten. I found out about the handle and the huge hole of the bags just today when I was about to get ready for school.

Shopping time =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sorry for not concerning ur probs today , din chat with u too.

hepi shopping =)