Sep 6, 2009


Omg....I'm so depressed cause of my freaking acne-prone skin!
But it was so perfect few weeks ago.
No acne, redness reduce, scar fading....
And next few weeks later... ? Pimples popping here and there !!
I just dont understand ! What went wrong ??
My daily routine did not change and same goes for my diet.
What ? The pimple season came again ?
It's totally like a season of acne on my face. Few weeks with it and then it disappears a few weeks and few weeks later their back !
Oh mannnnn... what is this ==
Went for a small gathering yesterday to meet Voon since it's been like so so so so and I mean it, sooooooooooooo long !
Argh yesterday when we each left, I felt a sudden sadness ='(
Made me missed those days even more... Argh !
It's a season !

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