Oct 3, 2008

Illus vector

Hmmm....I'm starting to feel that my blog is a mess.
Ok today was just a normal day again. NOT !
I woke up with p-cramp, gastric cramp, diarrhea and headache.
And now I'm still having it. - the p-cramp.
Argh !!

I'm still a newbie ok...
It wasn't that hard to do it as I thought it would be during the comp lab that time. I took like 1 1/2 hours to finish both eyes for Jolin's
This time I took 4 hours to finish it all.
Well, as you can see it is not really productive since I did it fast.
Grrrr !!!
Why is mine so weird and others are so freaking nice ???
It doesn't even look like me at all.
It looks....fractured 0.o
Dang me.

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