Apr 21, 2009


I wasn't feeling good these days. Well because I had 7 ulsers.
SEVEN ulsers in ma mouth !! WTH ?
It later became four because a few of them combined. It turned out to be really huge.
Oh....the freaking pain. I couldn't speak cause I couldn't really move my mouth due to the pains.
I couldn't really eat too. I tried putting the salt. GoD !! How painful, you can't imagine the size of my ulser with the salt !
Then I gargle with salt water. MaN !!!! Urghhhh !!!!
Later the next day which was yesterday, one of my ulser which is right infront of the lip part, had psst. Urgh... the pain and horror. The fact that it looks so wounded and gross made my appetite and mood disappear but the pain yet remains.
Urgh finally Mrs went to the herbalist and bought me medicine.
Althought it still hurts today, but the pain is lesser. More bareable.
Urgh... my life is revolving in pain.

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